Mozzarella Sticks Recipe – Step by Step Guide

Mozzarella Sticks Recipe – Step by Step Guide: Making mozzarella sticks at home is not only simple, but they also taste far better than those that are purchased from a store. My recipe may be prepared in a variety of ways, including air-frying, baking, or frying, and it can also be frozen for later use. There is no longer any need to buy a frozen package from the supermarket since today we are going to make mozzarella sticks at home!

Mozzarella Sticks Recipe – Step by Step Guide

You probably already know that I am a major proponent of cooking foods from scratch, but this rule is especially applicable to anything that is fried, such as my funnel cake or my donut holes. There is something about freshly fried food that is golden brown and still warm, and this is especially true when it is stuffed with cheese and dipped in marinara sauce (although my son dips his in ranch dressing, is that weird?)!

Here is a recipe for mozzarella sticks that is not only easy to make but also delivers excellent cheese pulls. In the event that you decide to fry your sticks and you are not familiar with the process of frying, you should absolutely watch the video that is provided below before you begin. I have included a number of tips for frying success.


  •  1 ½ cups (106 g) plain Panko
  •  ½ teaspoon Italian seasoning
  •  ½ teaspoon dried parsley
  •  ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
  •  ½ teaspoon ground black pepper
  •  ¼ teaspoon table salt
  •  2 large eggs
  •  ½ cup (63 g) all-purpose flour
  •  1 lb whole milk mozzarella block or 15 whole milk string cheese
  •  Vegetable oil for frying
  •  Marinara sauce for dipping (click the link to make my homemade marinara)

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How to make Mozzarella Sticks

You don’t need any specialized equipment to fry food, and the process isn’t quite as frightening as it might appear. I use this method of frying in a pot for everything from fried pickles to fried donuts; if you follow the directions, you won’t have any problems at all!

Once you have finished preparing the components for the dredging, you can then complete the preparation of your homemade mozzarella sticks by cutting the cheese into sticks. In the event that you are using string cheese, you can skip these steps.
In order to get started with the dredging process, you should first dip the cheese sticks into the flour, then the eggs, and finally the panko mixture itself. On a baking sheet, arrange a cooling rack, and then lay your coated sticks on the rack. Continue doing this until you have done coating all of the sticks.
Immediately after you have finished coating all of your sticks, put them in the freezer for one hour. This Step Must Not Be Missed. It is necessary to place your sticks in a container that is sealed and placed in the freezer if you are not going to be frying or cooking them immediately away. They should remain there until the oil is heated and ready to be used for frying. Cook your sticks in oil until they are golden brown, two at a time. Serve with marinara sauce while still heated.

Tips for the Best Mozzarella Cheese Sticks

A few last pointers to consider when preparing your own mozzarella sticks are as follows:

  • The process of deep frying offers the greatest results; frying in oil resulting in an exterior that is crispy. Be sure to use the appropriate oil. To prevent your cheese sticks from catching fire, choose an oil that has a high smoke point.
  • There are many wonderful options available, including extra light olive oil, vegetable oil, canola oil, and peanut oil. To prevent the oil from cooling down too soon, fry the food in batches, three to four at a time.
  • Make sure to cut sticks of the same size and maintain a thickness of just under half an inch so that they heat up evenly.


The mozzarella cheese sticks that you make at home freeze exceptionally well, allowing you to prepare a batch whenever you feel the want to eat them.

  • To Freeze: on a baking sheet, cover it with plastic wrap, and place it in the freezer for two hours, or until it becomes solid. Put the mixture into a zip-top bag that is appropriate for the freezer, press out any excess air, and then freeze it for up to three months. From the frozen state, they can be cooked immediately.
  • Reheating: If you want the insides of your cooked mozzarella sticks to be gooey again, microwave them for fifteen to twenty seconds, just until the cheese begins to peep through the shell.


Q1. Can I make mozzarella sticks in the air fryer?

The answer is yes, this is an excellent recipe for an air fryer! If you look at the recipe notes that are below, you will find instructions on how to accomplish this.

Q2. Why did my cheese disappear?

Taking into account the fact that you did not consume all of it previously, there are a number of valid reasons for this extremely sad occurrence. In addition to cooking for an excessively long period of time or at an excessively high temperature, the most common causes of empty sticks are not cooling for a sufficient amount of time or not coating them completely.

Q3. Can you make homemade mozzarella sticks with string cheese?

You can, however I find that the flavor and texture of the block mozzarella is superior to that of the other option. You’ll also get extra sticks out of the block, which is a lot of fun!

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